Veni, Vidi, Vici


We went, we saw, we conquered – Atlanta’s famous Scott Antique Market!!  For design and antique enthusiasts, this show (held the second weekend of every month) is a MUST GO destination!  Two large exposition buildings with 3500 exhibitor booths, filled with treasures for everyone.



  My friend and I Dana, left on Thursday evening and was there when the doors opened on Friday morning.  We were there to look for some pieces for her new home she is building, and we didn’t miss seeing a single inch of this fabulous market. I never realizes how much I had missed the thrill of the hunt.  Fifteen years ago I would go monthly with Erin in her stroller, and Meghan and Caitie by my side.  Some of my favorite pieces I purchased with them are still in my home. 


Here are some of my favorite finds – I have used Suzani patterned fabrics for several clients over the years, so I was thrilled to find an antique Suzani fabric dealer. 



  A couple years ago I realized I was “lamp deficient”, so I started searching everywhere for unique lamps for my home.  I wish I would have found this dealer a few years ago, she had some gorgeous, unique one of kind lamps that are true pieces of art.  Unfortunately I lost the pictures I took, so here are a couple from her website.

46dbbbffca44419c9815ae4a7a8b9d35photo via Lamp Lady Atlanta

be7a0750d754499e82814c82d5af1cc9photo via Lamp Lady Atlanta

We were looking to create a gallery wall of botanicals and maps – there were plenty options to choose from.



Rugs, rugs, and more rugs – this one was my favorite, unfortunately I couldn’t talk Bob into the purchase.



Next stop for us will be the The Round Top Antiques Fair in Texas!    Do you have any other ideas???? I would love to hear where you have gone for some good antique hunting. 

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