The stores are filled with Christmas trees and all the trimmings for the holidays and although it is happy and festive I feel that Thanksgiving gets a bit slighted.  So I want to take a moment to stop and reflect on things that I am thankful for this Thanksgiving.

I have amazing family, friends and the best customers.  I am Thankful for all the love and encouragement you give me every day.  Without your belief in me Orange would not be here and I know Barb feels the same about those who support her and Tassels.  We are Thankful to have you in our lives.

I am Thankful for my two beautiful Daughters, Sarah and Allison.  They are hardworking and good, kind people.  What more can a Mom want from her children. 

A few weeks ago I finally had a chance to visit Sarah who moved to Philadelphia last May for a new job.   It was so great to see her in her new apartment and get a perspective about the town she now embraces.  I was so focused on getting to see her I never thought about the “Fall Experience” that was waiting for us. 

We were tourist for a day and took a ride out to Valley Forge then back to town to visit the Liberty Bell and walk through Philly.  All along the way I was taken aback by the beauty of the fall leaves, the crisp air, you know, that feeling we equate with the fall, and then there is the history that makes you reflect and be Thankful for those who fought through the elements with very little to pave the way for us to have a better life in this country.  Inspiration was everywhere

Fall Tree Valley Forge

 Thankful for the beauty that surrounds us everywhere

Fall at Valley Forge

Amazing colors nature has to offer…

Fall Rick and Sarah Philly

My Husband Rick and my daughter Sarah.

Philly store display

Of course I had to walk along Walnut Street with all the beautiful stores.  Loved this fall window display…

Please share with Barb and I what you are Thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Congratulations to Cheryl!!!  You are the lucky winner of the Kringle Danish!!!  Thank you for subscribing to our blog!!




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