Refresh your home with the Flowers of Spring!


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Yes, spring has not yet sprung but we are only a week away…

We can’t complain about our Florida winter after what our neighbors to the North have endured.  My girls would not let me mention the word “cold” when I spoke to them this winter…one lives in Philly and the other in New York. They have had a winter they don’t want to see again anytime soon. But never the less even with our mild Florida winter we are ready for spring!

sunflower better homes via pinterest

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I love flowers in my home all year round but I especially look forward to the colors of nature that spring offers.  I feel like the house is refreshed with even the simplest flowers.  There are so many variations to enjoy – from a simple single rose to a bowl of hydrangeas.

Flowers single rose

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cultivated garden footed bowl

Cultivated Gardens via Pinterest

Ok, I know those are not hydrangeas, I think they are hyacinths – I do love flowers but for some species I am usually at a loss for the name…but the bowl by Cultivated Gardens holds them beautifully!

I have a weakness for vases, you can find one on most surfaces in my home, if you don’t have a vase you can put flowers in anything that will hold water.  Ask my husband, nothing is safe from my flower addition.  I have used mugs but a beautiful pitcher is a favorite.

flowers tulips in a cup

via Pinterest

j adler vases

Jonathan Adler via Pinterest

flowers small vasesvia Pinterest

pooley2Chive via Pinterest

Flowers will freshen up a bathroom and add a romantic feel to the bedside…

flowers bathroom sink

Domaine via Pinterest

Flowers Better Homes side table

Domaine via Pinterest

Orchids add a touch of elegance!

flowers orchidDomaine via Pinterest

Occasionally I treat myself to a visit to Bloomingdale Florist to see what they have that can add some drama to my space or just create a warm simple touch. They carry a variety, from exotic tropical species, to cherry blossoms, tulips, roses, daisies and much more.

Flowers HGTVHGTV via Pinterest

When I can’t get to the florist I pick up flowers at the grocery store or just cut them out of the yard.  In addition to the flowers I will cut plants from the yard to pop in a vase…Caladiums have beautiful color and shape.

caladiummass02via Pinterest

Before entering your home
welcome your friends and family with flowers potted at the front door!

Spring flowers via pinterestvia Pinterest

I hope you brighten your day today with a flower or two!


Happy Spring,



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