My Fabric Crush – Fortuny


A few years ago I purchased my first Fortuny fabric, and I have been in love and obsessed with them since.  I frequently scour Ebay and other online sites to try to find pieces to add to my stash.  (I know it’s an addiction – I’ll be the first to admit I’m a FABRIC-HOLIC)

The pieces stay in my office and I get the pleasure to look and touch them every day.  And I am proud to say I have finally found just the perfect chair to reupholster using one of my precious Fortuny pieces.  Since I only had a couple yards of one of my favorite pieces, Canestrelli, I didn’t want to waste it on a couple pillows, I wanted it to be used on something that would make a big statement in my guest bedroom!  Here is a picture of it.

9b43ba562e3909403a69e8ec87512bb4Canestrelli by Fortuny

I recently found these beautiful remnants.  I’m planning on framing them and creating a gallery wall for my bedroom. 

c2a4a657ab7659f8db05896f3179e723Fortuny – Cuzco in blue and warm white

82e4a0c4d71e8fca3dcc81f229618964Fortuny – Moresco Bittersweet and warm white


Fortuny – Mazzarino Indigo blue and ivory

4de80976f80d76fb0ce8491f19d77dc0Fortuny – Rabat bittersweet and pale grey

I was inspired to start this project after I read a post from one of my favorite bloggers – Lauren Leiss of Pure Style Home.  She created a beautiful gallery wall in her bedroom of her collection of framed ferns and botanicals. 

78008d2caa9dc22e94f557ff9cc8f322Lauren Leiss

For those of you who are not familiar with Fortuny fabrics, they are some of the most gorgeous and remarkable textiles born in the early 20th century in Venice, Italy.  The inventor of these mysterious fabrics is Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo.  His many talents included painting, sculpture, photography, fashion, theater design, and lighting. 

In the early 20th century, he invented a secret process and secret recipes for dying and printing the much coveted fabrics.  The factory, still in use today, is on the Venetian island of Giudecca, and the artisans are sworn to secrecy.  To this day, only the firm’s owners are privy to every stage of the magical production process.

The beauty of Fortuny is that no two runnings are ever the same.  Each is a unique piece of art in its own right.

I’ll be going to Atlanta this weekend to shop at the fabulous Scott Antique Markets This is a great show that is held in the Atlanta Exposition Center on the second weekend of every month.  And of course on my shopping list is Fortuny fabrics – I’ll have some pictures to share with you next week.

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