Celebrating 25 years of beautiful, whimsical, and poetic design

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Those of you who know me know my love and appreciation of Michael Aram’s designs. I first learned of his work back in the early 1990’s when my Mom and Dad had a home decor store in Jacksonville, it was called HOM – Hand of Man. They took me on a buying trip to New York and introduced me to a young upcoming designer, Michael Aram. He was on his own back then with a small booth down in the basement level of the Javits Center. My parents loved his work and purchased every design he had!

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New designs mixed with the 25th Anniversary items  

2014 marks Michael Aram’s 25th Anniversary. In 1989 Michael took a trip to India and became intrigued with the metalworking tradition founded in generations of gifted artisans. While watching one craftsman in particular Michael picked up a stick and drew in the earth a concept of a whimsical shoe horn with a very curled handle. Working with that craftsmen over a few hours the shoehorn became a reality! This was the birth of his company.

Michael Aram Shoehorn

Orange Home Decor

How it all started! The Shoehorn

Michael Aram’s 25th Anniversary Commemorative Collection is a retrospective selection of Michael’s favorite functional pieces from his archives of the past 25 years. These pieces are only being produced for a limited time during 2014 beginning with the spiraled handled shoe horn.

Adam & Eve Candle Sticks

Adam and Eve Candle Sticks – Michael Aram

aram 25thMichael Aram


Today Michael is an internationally renowned designer but he has never forgotten his roots and the small businesses who worked with him when he was getting his start. He always makes it a point to spend time with me and my family at the shows to catch up. Last year I took my Mom back for the first time in years and she and Michael had a wonderful talk about those early days. His kindness shows in his pieces and endears me even more to his work.


My Mom, Elizabeth and Michael – Photo by Debbie Ploor

Michael Aram at NY Show

Michael with me and my daughter Allison.

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T97C0260Orange Home Décor

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“Michael Aram’s collections all have rich storylines, symbolism and deep-rooted meaning. Individually developed from the artist’s experiences. Every collection captures a genuine personal connection that carries through to each unique object.”

Stop by to see pieces from the Anniversary collection as well as new designs!








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