All of us at one time or another have made color mistakes on our walls. Back in the 90’s when faux painting was gaining popularity, and everyone was ragging and sponging their walls, I got caught up in the momentum and ragged my formal living room walls in my home in Georgia.
Not the brightest idea for a couple of reasons. Number one – I used red paint, and number two, I had no experience with ragging. I read some books and ran with the idea. The result – the walls appeared as if there was a mass homicide in the room and blood splattered all over the walls. Bob and the girls still will not let me forget this one.
Over the years I have learned a thing or two about choosing the right application and paint color. Here are some important tips to follow when you are choosing paint color for your home.
Tip number 1
Hire a professional for faux painting. Unless you have amazing artistic talent leave the faux painting to a professional. A good faux faux finish usually involves several layers of paint and glaze for the desired look. Not something you can learn overnight from a book!
Tip number 2
Start with an inspiration piece. Inspiration pieces can be anything that you love and want to incorporate into the room. Many times the inspiration piece is a fabric, rug, or a piece of artwork. Or maybe it is an image you found on Pinterest. This image inspired me to use red accents in my bedroom, and create a wall of photos in red frames. Click here to read more ideas on inspiration pieces.
Tip number 3
Do not choose your color from a paint chip. Paint chips are too small to accurately gauge whether the color has the right tone or hue for the room and its furnishings. And the paint chip decks are mass produced, so they are only copies of the color!!!
Tip number 4
Purchase paint samples of the colors you think will work in the room. All the paint companies and big box stores sell small containers of the actual paint colors at a minimal cost. Purchase the paint samples and paint a sample board. I have 100+ sample boards I use when I am specifying paint colors for my customers. The boards can be moved around the room easily to determine if the color, tone and hue are correct.
Tip number 5
Don’t paint splotches on the wall of your room with your sample paint colors. This will just confuse you and make it harder for you to determine if the color is right one.
Tassel’s Interiors
The answer is ! NOOOOO Absolutely NOT! Not all beiges are the same, and the same goes for white, grey, and taupe colors. When consulting with customers in my store, I always ask “what color are your walls?” Often times the response I get, “just a beige or tan” or “similar to this… Continue reading