
Are you Spring Cleaning your Window Treatments?

Lately It seems as though I have been bombarded with blog posts and magazine articles dedicated to tips and tricks for spring cleaning indoor and outdoor living areas!!   Just look at Pinterest – you will find hundreds of tips, check lists, instructions, challenges, and products.  I even wrote about the origins a few years back here.… Continue reading

Jewelry for the Home

Tassels Interiors

Trimmings on your window treatments, furniture and pillows are the jewels of your home. Trim is no different than your rings, bracelets and earrings. It’s all a personal expression of who you are and what you wish to share. Some of us love “bling” and others are more understated.

Tassels Interiors

No matter what your personal preference there… Continue reading

Top Window Treatments for 2013 – Part 3

via Pinterest

It’s that time of the year again – time to pack up the holiday decorations!  All the trees, wreaths, lights, ornaments, stockings, nut crackers will get carefully boxed up and stored away until next holiday season.

I don’t know about you, but my house always feels a little empty and sparse after the decorations are… Continue reading