Book Shelves are not just for Books!

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Bookshelves are not just for books – show off the items that you love…

Not sure what to showcase?  Think about the items that make you smile.  Your shelves should be a reflection of you – A memento from a vacation, art, your favorite framed photos, framed artwork your children made or a family treasure that had been passed down.  Pottery and glass objects you love and of course your favorite books – all these will bring your shelves to life and tell your story.

Getting Started – Empty out your shelves and paint the backs a contrasting color or use colorful paper.  Wall paper has made a comeback with great new designs, textures and colors.  The paint color or paper will make your items pop off the shelf!   

Book shelf art house beautiful

House Beautiful via Pinterest

Shelves wall paper House BeautifulHouse Beautiful via Pinterest

Book Shelf green backgroundvia Pinterest

Change the height of your shelves – Unless the shelves are fixed in place change the shelf heights to add some asymmetry.  This gives you the option to add larger, bolder accessories and art that will stand out. 

When placing your items go for asymmetrical arrangements.  Odd numbers usually create more interest, like threes and fives, but if you do have two like items put them on the diagonal rather than directly opposite each other.  This will create a balance.

shelves small officevia Pinterest

shelves via PinterestHouse Beautiful via Pinterest

Vary the heights of your items – Use books stacked on their side as platforms.  Wood and lacquer boxes also work well as risers and are perfect for keeping photos or other treasures neatly stored. 

book shelf pinteresetvia Pinterest

Create layersStand up a beautiful plate, serving tray or a piece of art in the back of the shelf then work your way forward with shorted objects.

bookshelves dining room Pinterestvia Pinterest

book shelf VerandaVeranda via Pinterest

book shelves house beautifulHouse Beautiful via Pinterest

And Let There Be Light!

Illuminate your shelves to spotlight the arrangements you have created and make your glass, gold or silver items shine!  If your shelves don’t have built in lighting you can add track lighting to the ceiling and focus spot lights on the shelves.  Or place a small lamp on a shelf, mount a picture light above a shelf or affix a puck light to the underside of a shelf.  Check with you local home improvement store for these quick lighting fixes to highlight your stories!

I hope this gives you some inspiration for your shelving.  Send us photos of your shelf creations!




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