Just Breathe

Did you know that November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month?  And do you know what color ribbon represents lung cancer?  The Ribbon is White.  Lung Cancer is America’s leading cancer killer and the least funded of all cancer research.  Anyone can get lung cancer, from smokers to former smokers to never smokers.

I wanted to take… Continue reading

Bring the Indoors Outside

Can you feel it in the air???  They say we have a cool front coming this weekend and in Florida just a few degrees can make a difference.  This is the time of year we look forward to opening up our windows and sliders for either entertaining or just a quiet place to retreat, so why not make… Continue reading


Halloween has become a favorite holiday to celebrate.   Many of us decorate the inside and outside of our homes with skeletons, spiders, scary ghosts, and spooky creatures and of course jack o lanterns to prepare for the return of young trick or treaters to our door on Halloween. 

But do you know the reason for the festivities… Continue reading


Photo Courtesy of CR Laine

TODAY IS THE DAY!!!  We have exciting news to share with everyone – our beautiful furniture from CR Laine is arriving!!!!!

Needless to say we have been working really, really hard for the last couple weeks to make room for everything.  Moving fabric, building shelves, and editing sample books, has consumed our lives.… Continue reading



Over the past 6 years the businesses of Plaza Bella have held the Plaza Bella Goes Pink 5K Challenge and the Diva Strut in an effort to raise funds and create awareness for a cure for Breast Cancer. 

This Saturday, October 19 please join us to help KNOCK OUT Breast Cancer!

 Some Statistics from the American Cancer… Continue reading

Are all Neutrals Created Equal?

Tassel’s Interiors

The answer is ! NOOOOO Absolutely NOT!  Not all beiges are the same, and the same goes for white, grey, and taupe colors.  When consulting with customers in my store, I always ask “what color are your walls?” Often times the response I get, “just a beige or tan” or “similar to this… Continue reading

What's on your nightstand?

I like to think I am organized and have a place for everything.  That is not always the case, where did I lay those keys again?  That is until it comes to bedtime.  I want all my necessities right on my bedside table.  My favorite items to have in place are my Olivina hand lotion, a… Continue reading


Every few years a fabric stops me dead in my tracks.  I want to jump up and down, wrap myself up in it, and show it to everyone I know!  This sounds extreme, but I do have ONE weakness, FABRIC!!!  And I have to admit – I am a fabric-holic!!!

In April I was at the High… Continue reading

Hi I’m Barb Lytle of Tassel’s Interiors and I have a passion for classic, timeless, and beautiful design! I’ve been a designer for several years, and would like to share with you some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way. Our lifestyles evolve and change- even the most subtle of changes is inspiring. Join me on my journey of new products, trends and everyday practical advice and discover new inspiration for your home.

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