My Fabric Crush – Fortuny


A few years ago I purchased my first Fortuny fabric, and I have been in love and obsessed with them since.  I frequently scour Ebay and other online sites to try to find pieces to add to my stash.  (I know it’s an addiction – I’ll be the first to admit I’m a FABRIC-HOLIC… Continue reading

New Beginnings….for families in our Community

Its spring and new beginnings are all around us.  New leaves on the trees, flowers of all colors popping up, spring weddings and the time of year to re-new our homes for a fresh start.

I am very grateful that I have a beautiful home I can re-fresh.  Many families do not have that luxury…yet. I hope you… Continue reading

Spring Cleaning – yay or nay????

via Pinterest

Now that the calendar says spring, how many of you have started the annual ritual of spring cleaning?????  Sounds like a good idea!!!  But why do we choose spring to take care of these extra chores?  And who came up with the idea that we needed to clean our homes when spring arrives? … Continue reading

Bit by the 'Rug Bug'

Tassels Interiors


Looking to purchase an area rug for your home?  It seems as though area rugs are available just about everywhere from traditional stores to discount stores.  In my area, there are vendors selling area rugs on busy street corners almost every weekend!

Never before have there been so many options available – all shapes, sizes,… Continue reading

Refresh your home with the Flowers of Spring!

via Pinterest

Yes, spring has not yet sprung but we are only a week away…

We can’t complain about our Florida winter after what our neighbors to the North have endured.  My girls would not let me mention the word “cold” when I spoke to them this winter…one lives in Philly and the other in New York. They have… Continue reading

Ask Barb: Headboard Alternatives

 Tassels Interiors

Question– Hi Barb, do you have any suggestions for creating an inexpensive and creative alternative to hang above my bed, instead of a traditional headboard?  I am on a limited budget, but would like it to look unique and beautiful.  Thank you in advance for your suggestions.  Cheryl from Fairfield, Connecticut

Hi Cheryl… Continue reading

Book Shelves are not just for Books!

via Pinterest

Bookshelves are not just for books – show off the items that you love…

Not sure what to showcase?  Think about the items that make you smile.  Your shelves should be a reflection of you – A memento from a vacation, art, your favorite framed photos, framed artwork your children made or a family treasure that… Continue reading

Add a little Zest to your Nest – Chatting with Cari Majors!

How many of you, my lovely readers, have inherited pieces of furniture from friends and family members?   Sometimes we acquire these pieces willingly and other times unwillingly – we just get stuck with them. 

The big question arises – what should we do with these treasured heirlooms?  Here are the usual options – can they be… Continue reading

The Looking Glass


Veranda via Pinterest

The history of mirrors dates back to ancient times when mankind first saw reflections in a river or pond and were considered magic.  Today I could not imagine leaving the home without checking in the mirror.  Although sometimes I am not sure who that woman looking back at me is…what do you mean I… Continue reading

Hi I’m Barb Lytle of Tassel’s Interiors and I have a passion for classic, timeless, and beautiful design! I’ve been a designer for several years, and would like to share with you some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way. Our lifestyles evolve and change- even the most subtle of changes is inspiring. Join me on my journey of new products, trends and everyday practical advice and discover new inspiration for your home.

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